Within blueplanet Investments AG, a position was created which is responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with the basic principles in the area of human resources. Similar positions are being created within the investments of blueplanet Investements AG. The duties of these persons are the random checking of employee contracts and contracts with external service providers. In addition, an audit is carried out at the end of the year to check all contracts for violations of the guidelines. Service providers are also required to sign a corresponding declaration of compliance with the guidelines..
Another important aspect of enforcing the implementation of the guidelines is manager training. Managers need to be familiar with the requirements of blueplanet Investments AG and ultimately implement them. Regular training sessions will be held for this purpose.
The comprehensive implementation of the guidelines requires the trusting communication between blueplanet Investments AG and its staff. Managers are instructed to inform their employees of the options available for reporting a violation of the guidelines. Employees will be trained accordingly and processes will be created to provide anonymous reporting options or at least ensure a communication based on trust.