Employee development planning is composed of two pillars. On the one hand, blueplanet Investments AG provides development plans for the personal further development of its staff. In this context consideration is given to which qualifying courses should be attended and the skills that could be acquired. On the other hand, blueplanet Investments AG creates succession plans with regard to the positions of the staff of the organization. These plans determine which employees fit which position and which development stages they need to go through beforehand. Similar processes are being introduced in the participations of blueplanet Investments AG.
Career planning
The aim of blueplanet Investments AG is to provide its staff with the skills they need to accomplish their tasks. In addition to on-the-job development, employees are offered additional opportunities to acquire new qualifications. Depending on the requirements of the current or future position, both internal and external training courses are offered. These cover a wide range of topics:
- Industry-specific market know-how
- Technical / IT skills
- General management skills
- Management training for executive positions,
- etc.
In addition to this instrument, other tools are also used. These include: a mentoring program in which employees are assigned to an experienced employee to get to know the best processes and corporate culture and so-called stretch assignments, i.e. the assignment of tasks and projects exceeding the current qualifications and thus promoting the further development of an employee.
Succession planning
The hierarchy of blueplanet Investments AG is still quite flat. However, the plan is to clearly define career paths when the company expands. When hiring new employees, care is taken to ensure that there is a clear perspective for future development within the company. The plan is to organize employees into Career Planning Succession Planning managers and technical experts with coupled job rotation. This will allow employees to regularly gain insights into the work environment of their colleagues. This will contribute to a better understanding between employees and at the same time improve the corporate culture.
Corporate culture and benefits
The basic principle of blueplanet Investments AG’s corporate culture is transparent communication coupled with a solution-oriented approach to problems. Managers and employees take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Relations between colleagues are characterized by respect. Unnecessary formalities between hierarchy levels are avoided. There is no dress code, but outfits should match the occasion. blueplanet Investments AG offers the following benefits to support the well-being of its employees:
- Training sessions with a personal trainer for preventive health care
- Health advice by a non-medical professional
- Locally sourced fresh fruits and drinks
- Financial support for meals
- Organisation of transfers (during epidemics and pandemics)