Selection and cooperation

The above conditions apply to the selection of partners. While the “must” criteria are regarded as the minimum requirements for a cooperation with blueplanet Investments AG and its participations, the “should” criteria are to be understood as potentials for development. They are taken into account in the assessment of the competitive position of different providers. blueplanet Investments AG promotes the development of all partner companies towards sustainability and is committed to ensuring that its investments support the development of their partners.

Communication with partner and contract companies plays a major role. We actively communicate our requirements and our Code of Conduct and demand that partner and contract companies accept it and do not violate it in their own business practices.

Prior to entering into a cooperation with a supplier or partner, blueplanet Investments AG will verify the above-mentioned aspects. The scope of such verification shall be proportionate to the scope of the cooperation.

In the case of one-off transactions (up to a certain amount) and low-value transactions, an internal analysis may be carried out by the company making the selection on the basis of publicly available information. In addition, partners should be asked to provide information about themselves. Such selfdisclosure should be a truthful representation of the management guidelines and processes ensuring the sustainable provision of services and products.

Information regarding the following are positive factors in the assessment of partners:

  • Proof of certificates relating to sustainability (e.g. in the area of environmental protection or labor standards)
  • Compliance with non-certifiable standards
  • Assignment of the responsibility for sustainability to a top management position
  • Membership in relevant industry initiatives and associations
  • Publication of sustainability KPIs
  • Own Sustainability Code of Conduct
  • Results of previous audits, specifying the auditor and scope of the audit

More extensive cooperation projects require a closer review of compliance with the requirements. In this case, either an external auditor should be appointed to assess the partner or screening should be done by own staff. The following aspects should be assessed:

  • Site inspection: Visual assessment of location for visible violations
  • Discussions with the management: Company policies and implementation, use of management systems, salaries, working hours, etc.
  • Discussions with staff: Possible topics include working conditions, use of resources, gender equality, etc. Discussions should be held with a representative number of employees.
  • Evaluation of documents: Verification of HR files, health and safety documentation, information on working hours, data on emissions, materials, etc. and energy consumption.

Once a partner has been selected, all candidates of the selection process are informed of the outcome and the associated selection criteria. blueplanet Investments AG and its subsidiaries then enter into a partnership with the selected company and work together to improve the implementation of sustainability within the supply chain.