- Our business activities are characterized by honesty, integrity and transparency as well as respect for the interests and rights of our colleagues, customers and those who are directly or indirectly affected by our business activities.
- We respect and abide by the human rights set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- We are committed to respecting the diversity and variety of our colleagues and advocate a work environment characterized by mutual trust and respect in which everyone feels responsible for the success and reputation of the company.
- We are guided exclusively by qualification and suitability for the intended job when hiring, employing and promoting our employees.
- We ensure that the working conditions in the company are safe for all our employees and that their health is not at risk.
- We are committed to promoting and further developing the specific knowledge and skills of our employees.
- We respect the dignity of the individual and the right of our employees to form a coalition.
- We promote communication with and among our employees.
- We communicate openly with internal and external stakeholders and create transparency with regard to our strategy. In addition, we provide shareholders with detailed and timely information on important internal decisions and report in a truthful manner.
- We expect our employees not to abuse their position in the company to obtain illegitimate financial benefits for themselves or others. The emergence of potential conflicts of interest is proactively counteracted.
- We expect our employees to refrain from activities and financial commitments outside the company that could conflict with their duties to the company.
- We create a set of instruments with measurable performance components to regularly review and increase our performance potential.
- We are committed to fair, yet intense competition and support the development of appropriate competition rules. We exclude the formation of cartels or the abusive exploitation of market positions.
- We reject any active or passive bribery whether direct or indirect or the granting of unlawful advantages when awarding contracts. We also refrain from transactions that might raise the suspicion of being related to money laundering or terrorist financing.
- We comply with domestic and foreign laws. This also includes compliance with the relevant export and customs laws. Any such violation, e.g. fraud or embezzlement, will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
- We are committed to combating the exploitation of persons and ensuring that our suppliers refrain from practices that include child labor or inhumane working conditions.
- We promote and support projects worldwide that are dedicated to the protection of the environment and the well-being of civil society. If necessary, we carry out our own projects in this context.
- We are committed to pursuing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and assess our decisions and actions on the basis of these goals.